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  • Pete Soloway's avatar
    Updates README per 936dc29d · d45e2814
    Pete Soloway authored
    * Removes references to the ruby script and holding space.
    * Mentions the `file_concat` dependency.
    * Removes the `ensure_newline`, `force`, and `ensure` parameter
    * Renames the `warn` parameter to `warn_header`.
    * Removes all deprecation listings.
    * Adds a list of removed features.
    * Cleans up some stray line breaks.
    Implements edits from @jbondpdx
    * Updates table of contents
    * Clarifies requirement
    * Specifies the module version where functionality was removed.
    * Clarifies changes to the `warn` parameter
    * Additional tweaks for clarity
    Final copy tweak
    * Further clarify the nature of boolean values in `warn_header`.